Do You Truly Need Antibiotics for Dental Implants?

At Eten Dental, we speak with patients daily about dental implants and whether or not they are the right choice for them. Many patients are often worried about the procedure and they wonder if they will need to take antibiotics the entire time from the start of the procedure down to the end. The answer is much more complicated than just yes or no because it truly depends on each patient as an individual. For example, if you are prone to infection, then you may need antibiotics, but if you are not, then you may not need the medication.

Today, almost two-thirds of Americans are missing one or more teeth in their mouth. This means that there is a need for dental implants. Dental implants can improve the look of your smile and give you a boost of confidence as well. Below, Dr. Hwang will go over more in detail about antibiotics and dental implants.

Dental Implants: What Are They?

Many people may not know what dental implants are and this is okay. An implant is a titanium artificial root that is inserted surgically into the jaw bone and is used to mimic your tooth’s root. Once the jaw bone has healed around the post, the root will be anchored in place. A denture, bridge, or crown is then placed on top of the implant.
When you decide to have dental implants, you may quickly find that you need to have additional procedures performed. While many patients do not need extra procedures, some do. If you have gum disease or you have experienced bone loss, you will need an additional procedure or two and this can require the use of antibiotics.
The inside of your mouth is home to many bacteria and they can cause infections in both your mouth and in your body. When you have minimally invasive dental procedures performed, it allows bacteria to enter into your body and depending on the strength of your immune system, you may experience sickness. High risk patients should always be evaluated to determine if they need antibiotics before a procedure to ensure infection does not occur.
Patients who have been classified as high risk should keep a close eye on their procedure to monitor for infection. Most patients will not need any medication, but some do and it is important that you speak with Dr. Hwang about it.
If you have been classified as a low risk individual, you may still need some antibiotics, but you may not. Most dental implants are successful and do not have any problems, but if an infection arises, the dental implants can fail, as treatment is not effective.

Who Is High and Low Risk?

Seniors and people who have a weakened immune system are considered to be high risk patients. In addition, diabetics, smokers, and those who are under or overweight are also classified as high risk.
The ADA and AHA have recommended that patients receive preventative antibiotic when they have heart conditions or prosthetic valves. In addition, the AAOS recommends that patients who have had surgery done in recent weeks receive preventative medication as well.

Evidence and Research – Antibiotics and Dental Implants

It is still debated as to whether or not a low to moderate risk patient should receive antibiotics for their dental implant surgical procedure. The main reason is because there are some concerns about the side effects, the built-up immunity to the medication, and also any allergic reactions that can occur.
A study completed by the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials revealed that healthy individuals who took preventative antibiotics before dental implant surgery received benefits from it. It was reported that two grams of amoxicillin was the administered dose and that it was given once to patients before the procedure. The researchers found that implant failure was reduced.
The team determined that preventative antibiotics ARE effective, but it is unclear as to their effect per patient and what the proper medication to be used is.

Your Dental Implant Consultation with Dr. Hwang

There are many different benefits that come along with having dental implants placed in your mouth. While many people will need to receive antibiotics, you may or may not need them. In fact, it is important that you speak with Dr. Hwang to determine if you do need to receive antibiotics. When you go in for your consultation, it is important that you discuss your current medical and dental history. If you do have a history of infections after procedures, you will likely be prescribed medicines.
Dr. Hwang will discuss all of your options with you first and help you decide on the best treatment method. You should bring a list of all medications and vitamins that you currently take or have taken.
Once Dr. Hwang has provided you with your dental implant consultation, you will know whether or not the procedure is right for you and what the next steps are. If you would like to schedule an appointment with Dr. Hwang in our Bayside, NY team, call Eten Dental today.

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